I am a cuckoo teacher.
I know this because Alisha told me.
Friday was the last day before break.
It was the last day I taught under the Bloomberg regime.
Thursday three administrators and a
dean visited the fourth period self contained geometry class.Well the
dean actually didn't come inside. He just stood outside the room
while two girls yelled at him. I put the poster over the window in
the door. We were working on perpendicular lines and slopes. Even I
know that two girls cursing out a dean is more interesting than
perpendicular lines and slopes, but hey I got the message that we are
supposed to teach bell to bell.
Teaching bell to bell means that if you
are going to be paid and subsequently evaluated on your teaching than
that's all you should be doing in between the bells that signal the
start and end of the period. As the break approaches the whole
concept can be extended to teaching right up to the moment the last
bell of 2013 rings.
Yeah right! Thursday's class went
something like this, two girls yelled continously at dean for ten
minutes in front of the classroom door. I placed poster chart paper
in front of the door window- therefore cutting off the visual if not
the audio signal. One administrator came in and told me not to place
anything over my window- ostensibly so he can be assured I am
actually teaching between the bells I took down poster. Second
administrator comes in and asks why I was holding the poster chart
paper, which was blank, since I did not choose to write any notes on
it while it was hiding the hallway
show. Oh- I told her I only used it to block the view of chaos. Oh-
she says- if there are problems in the hall I should call the dean
and not cover the window. (The problem in the hall was the dean but
I hardly saw the point in mentioning that- I was teaching.) She
closed the door with the window now completely unblocked. A minute
later the principal walked in, I expected another discussion about
covering the window. I was wrong. He only wanted to know where our
garbage pail is so he could throw out a plastic soda bottle he found
in the hallway.
And I'm supposed to
teach continuously.
I am tired of
slopes and perpendicular lines. We have been working on them for a
week. I am still not convinced anyone actually gets the
relationship. This is the class that still needs to discuss which
axis is the x and which is the y. This is the class that has
difficulty placing a ruler between two points and holding it steady
to connect the points to create a line. I spoke with the assistant
principal for special ed the night before at a holiday celebration
and after a couple of glasses of wine confessed that I doubted the
concept that enough rigor was enough to make members of this group
master the content of high school geometry while I totally ignored
the skills and talents that they did possess, (Kindness, humor,
tenacity and creativity – all aspects of the class makeup – all
not particularly useful in mastering the Common Core college
preparatory geometry standards) She said, but if it helped them
receive a high school diploma then that would help them in life. She
said it with little conviction, she too had had a few drinks. (The
conundrum here is that I will pass out passing grades, its easier
than writing a justification for large number of failures, which we
euphemistically call “scholarship reports”- but it will not help
my very needy students to obtain the high school diploma, because
there are all sorts of obstacles, mainly the Regents or exit exams in
all the subjects that they cannot surmount).
On Friday I pass
out coordinate grids with instructions on how to plot a Santa Claus.
The paraprofessional works very hard on hers. The rest of us chat.
Alisha tells me I
am a cuckoo teacher.
I rise to the bait
and ask why?
And Alisha
enumerates. I sing, I dance, I hop around (I was hopping around the
floor tiles the first day we did slope- this to illustrate the
concept of rise and run). I lay on the floor. (Fred was agitated
one day, came into the room and said he was going to lay someone out
flat, I laid down on the floor and said- oh you mean like this?
Fred sat down and started to copy the notes- agitation under
When someone says
“I'm bored,” I do the The ol' soft shoe (give me the
old soft shoe that any girl can do, a one, a two a doodly doodly do)
that Ms Bee taught me a half century ago when I took tap lessons.
Giovani comes to class twice a week, settles in and immediately says
“Miss, I'm bored,” Just to check that it still works.
Maybe Alisha is
I am a cuckoo
I keep trying to
teach geometry.
From bell to bell.
Though its tough to
compete with the show in the hall.