Thursday, September 3, 2009

The last waves

I found a website this summer -write your life memoir in six words. Here's mine
Old teacher, new school year-again.

And so the last year I must work before collecting my pension begins. At 9:30 PM five days before the school year actually opens, my cell phone rings. K. wants to know if she has to be in school tomorrow because L. told her there was a meeting for the college peer leaders. So a few phone calls later I confirmed that was actually true. And so another school year begins, albeit a few days early.

Tomorrow I will try to make five special ed teachers, a literacy coach, a paraprofessional and the IEP computer all fit into one half size room. It should be something like the clown car in the circus.

And then I will go to the beach- catch a few waves before the school year settles in.

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